Kapacitor set smtp List of default To recipient email addresses, but not receive any

  1. I used kapacitor latest version 1.5.1
  2. set the alert rule eg cpu usage geater than 0 by chronograf interface
  3. In chronograf set the Recipient email address, can receive the alert message
  4. configure the alert notify by smtp(email)in file /etc/kapacitor/kapacitor.conf,
    set the default Recipient email address list, eg:

Configure an SMTP email server

Will use TLS and authentication if possible

Only necessary for sending emails from alerts.

List of default To addresses.

to = [“h7421956@126.com”,“cloud_alert@sina.com”]

  1. but test at last, this two address can’t receive any alert message

The default to recipients notifications will work only for alerts with ```