Kapacitor Alerts - Converting JSON format to plain text

Hey Guys,

Is there a way to convert alert data from JSON to plain text?

I configured TICK stack for monitoring my servers. Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf and Kapacitor are working fine. Using kapacitor I configure SMTP mail client to send alert’s on mail. Kapacitor send alert data in JSON format. But I want alert in plain text format. How I can conver this JSON format into plain text format. In alert mail I received : {“Name”:“cpu”,“TaskName”:“chronograf-v1-e5225679-2862-42ab-8b7c-20821a2ccce0”,“Group”:“host=ip-10-0-100-56”,“Tags”:{“host”:“ip-10-0-100-56”},“ID”:“CPU Email:host=ip-10-0-100-56”,“Fields”:{“value”:0.5012532167958351},“Level”:“OK”,“Time”:“2017-01-31T08:32:00Z”} . I want these data in plain text format.

Thank you!


I think AlertNode | InfluxData Documentation Archive should do the trick.