Issues on creating a check via the InfluxDB v2 API

Hello @vinnivitz,
This post could be of value to you:

Of course you’ll want to replace it with a threshold check instead.

  "name": "Test Check2",
  "orgID": "0437f6d51b579000",
  "query": {
    "text": "from(bucket:\"telegraf\") |> range(start:-5h) |> filter(fn:(r) => r._measurement == \"cpu\")"},
  "name": "check2",
  "status": "active",
  "description": "this is a check2",
  "type": "threshold",
  "every": "1m",
  "offset": "10s",
  "statusMessageTemplate": "Critical State"
  "thresholds": [
"level": "UNKNOWN",
"allValues": true,
"type": "greater",
"value": 0

I hope that helps. I haven’t tested it though so please let me know if you’re still having problems.