Is there a way to restrict access to buckets in UI?

Is there anyway to setup permissions or priveleges for a bucket? Like in InfluxDB 1.8?

I would like to give the user permission to view and read only one bucket in an organization. Can I restrict access of a user only for a certain bucket in organization in InfluxDB v2?

You can create tokens with have read and/or write access to specific buckets: Create an API token in InfluxDB | InfluxDB OSS 2.1 Documentation. These tokens can be used with API requests.

For specifically dealing with users, the token associated with a user controls their access. There’s not a direct way to associate a token with a user via the UI or CLI yet, but you can use the API to do this as per the example here: Create an API token in InfluxDB | InfluxDB OSS 2.1 Documentation