Inputs.influxdb_v2_listener return error when output plugin not reachable

here is the scenario:
myjavaapp > telegraf > questdb

i’m using this plugin InfluxDB V2 Listener Input Plugin, now need a solution that when questdb is down, telegraf tell to my app.

i try # read_timeout = “10s” and # write_timeout = “10s”, and stop questdb but telegraf still listen on port 8086 and my java app still think it is up!

Any idea?

Inputs and outputs run independently of each other. If an output goes down, telegraf will continue to pull metrics from inputs and buffer them. This way having one down output will not stop the collection of metrics.

The error should not come from the input, but the output.

@jpowers Is there any trick or way that stop input plugin from listening when telegraf get connection refused in output?

As they run independently not really. You could build your own input plugin and use the exec input, which could check for the connection and stop sending metrics.