I collect data via snmp on several machines
in the input I inform the @ ip
On the other hand for more ease, I wish under grafana recover the associated hostname
Is it possible ?
If so how, an example?
agents = [“10.xxx.xxx.xxx”]
version = 3
auth_protocol = “sha”
auth_password = “xxxxxxx”
sec_level = “authPriv”
priv_protocol = “AES”
priv_password = “xxxxxxxxx”
sec_name = “xxxxxxxx”
max_repetitions = 10
timeout = “250s”
retries = 3
measurement Famille Announcements
name = “Announcements”
name = “cardstatMaxAnnouncements.1”
oid = “”
measurement Famille Conference
name = “Conference”
name = “cardstatMaxConferences”
oid = “”
thank you very much