Hello everyone,
I am currently replicating data from one Influx 1.8 instance to another using a subscription.
When listening to the subscription endpoint with netcat, I receive the data in the following format:
POST /write?consistency=&db=fakeDB&precision=ns&rp=autogen HTTP/1.1
Host: 11.22.333.44:9092
User-Agent: InfluxDBClient
Content-Length: 35
Accept-Encoding: gzip
tabletest f1=88 1717662868698237900
My question is: How can I ingest this data with Telegraf?
I believe this can be achieved using the inputs.http_listener_v2 plugin.
I have tried configuring the plugin as follows:
service_address = ":9092"
paths = ["/"]
methods = ["POST", "PUT"]
data_source = "body"
basic_username = "foobar"
basic_password = "barfoo"
data_format = "influx"
However, this configuration does not seem to work.
Did I miss a parameter? Am I using the wrong plugin? Or is Telegraf unable to ingest data from an Influx subscription?
An alternative approach would be to capture the incoming stream to Influx on port 8086 using Telegraf, but I am unsure where to begin.
For more context, my goal is to send a copy of the stream to Kafka, and I have no control over the original data source writing to Influx.
Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.