Hello, On my Ubuntu server, i have installed Influx V2 (InfluxDB v2.7.6 (git: 3c58c06206)) I have the CLI: Influx CLI dev (git: a79a2a1b825867421d320428538f76a4c90aa34c)
I can run this query, i have results:
influx query 'import "influxdata/influxdb" influxdb.cardinality(bucket: "Soc-Env-Ppd", start: time(v: 1))'
But this query return error (same think in Web UI/Query editor):
influx query 'import "experimental/usage" usage.limits()' Error: failed to execute query: 500 Internal Server Error: error calling function "limits" @1:29-1:43: error calling function "api" @experimental/usage/usage.flux|308:9-313:10: Get "/api/v2/orgs/%7BorgID%7D/limits": unsupported protocol scheme ""
I have installed “nginx” I am in “https”
Do i have miss a thing ?