InfluxDB Security - DoS attack behavior?

Dear community. I am currently working on a scientific paper to evaluate time series databases (especially InfluxDB).

My question is concerning the security of InfluxDB: How does InfluxDB behave during a DoS attack? Is it possible to work with the database during an attack? Do current versions of InfluxDB offer any degraded mode or remain usable despite the limited use of resources? Does it provide some minimal functionality and does is provide some downgraded functionality during a DoS attack, thus limiting the effects of the attack?

This is an imporant point from the security perspecitve. If InfluxDB runs on a single node which is connected to the internet and it is being attacked it may be imporant for the database running on the node to provide a minimal amount of functionality and work in a degraded mode during a DoS event.

Does anyone have experiences with this scenario setting? I would be thankful for any hint :slight_smile:

Thank you a lot in advance.

Kind Regards