Influxdb 2.6.1 memory allocation at night then crash,

Hi Guys,

I have this issue every X days/weeks, and I have no idea what is doing this.
Only a restart of Influx makes it receivable for requests again.
I have eliminated the following by disabling.

  • Server backup jobs
  • Anti Virus Software
  • Windows Updates
  • Scripts using the influx API
  • Grafana alerts/request

Cardinality is fine and I have no queries without TimeFilter on.
Retention is set to 30 days for the bucket.
And I never delete measurements manually or via api

Running on Windows 2022, and previously also 2012 R2
InfluxDB v2.6.1 (git: 9dcf880fe0) build_date: 2022-12-29T15:53:06Z

My setup is

I have had this issue for a couple of years now, and went from influx 1.x to now 2.6.1, upgrading every couple of months to try and fix this.
Also upgrading Telegraf and Grafana everytime.

Best Regards
Kasper - Frustrated sysadmin

Hello @Kasper_Vinding,
Thanks for asking your question.
I don’t know if you’ve seen these docs already:

Unfortunately I think the best place for you to get support on this is gh:

i have enabled debug logs again, and last night it happens again.

This is what the logs shows, again with internal error

ts=2023-03-08T19:51:12.328563Z lvl=debug msg=Request log_id=0gLsOB_0000 service=http method=GET path=/query query="db=Telegraf&epoch=ms&q=SELECT+state+FROM+%22win_services%22+WHERE+time+%3E%3D+now%28%29+-+6h+and+time+%3C%3D+now%28%29+and+display_name+%21%3D+%27SQL+Server+%28SOLITWORK%29%27+GROUP+BY+host%2C+display_name+" proto=HTTP/1.1 status_code=200 response_size=14924 content_length=0 referrer= remote=[fe80::2778:32d3:3bda:f0f%Ethernet0]:57006 user_agent=Grafana took=67.400ms body= ts=2023-03-08T19:51:12.917527Z lvl=debug msg="user find by ID" log_id=0gLsOB_0000 store=new took=0.000ms ts=2023-03-08T19:51:12.918062Z lvl=debug msg="org find" log_id=0gLsOB_0000 store=new took=0.000ms ts=2023-03-08T19:51:12.918062Z lvl=debug msg="bucket find" log_id=0gLsOB_0000 store=new took=0.000ms ts=2023-03-08T19:51:12.920769Z lvl=debug msg=Request log_id=0gLsOB_0000 service=http method=POST path=/api/v2/write query="bucket=Telegraf&org=Bygma" proto=HTTP/1.1 status_code=204 response_size=0 content_length=-1 referrer= remote=[fe80::2778:32d3:3bda:f0f%Ethernet0]:60495 user_agent=Go took=3.242ms ts=2023-03-08T19:51:17.084599Z lvl=debug msg="user find by ID" log_id=0gLsOB_0000 store=new took=0.000ms ts=2023-03-08T19:51:17.093771Z lvl=debug msg="org find" log_id=0gLsOB_0000 store=new took=0.000ms ts=2023-03-08T19:51:17.093771Z lvl=debug msg="bucket find" log_id=0gLsOB_0000 store=new took=0.000ms ts=2023-03-08T19:51:17.096453Z lvl=debug msg=Request log_id=0gLsOB_0000 service=http method=POST path=/api/v2/write query="bucket=Telegraf&org=Bygma" proto=HTTP/1.1 status_code=204 response_size=0 content_length=-1 referrer= remote= user_agent=Telegraf took=11.854ms ts=2023-03-08T19:51:18.246168Z lvl=debug msg="buckets find" log_id=0gLsOB_0000 store=new took=0.000ms ts=2023-03-08T19:51:18.249876Z lvl=debug msg=Request log_id=0gLsOB_0000 service=http method=POST path=/api/v2/write query="bucket=Telegraf&org=Bygma" proto=HTTP/1.1 status_code=499 response_size=107 content_length=-1 referrer= remote= user_agent=Telegraf took=11211.890ms error="internal error" error_code="**internal error**" ts=2023-03-08T19:51:21.024895Z lvl=debug msg=Request log_id=0gLsOB_0000 service=http method=GET host=localhost:8086 path=/metrics query= proto=HTTP/1.1 status_code=200 response_size=73035 content_length=0 referrer= remote=[::1]:60496 user_agent=Go-http-client took=40.419ms body= ts=2023-03-08T19:51:22.129658Z lvl=debug msg="user find by ID" log_id=0gLsOB_0000 store=new took=0.000ms ts=2023-03-08T19:51:22.129658Z lvl=debug msg="org find" log_id=0gLsOB_0000 store=new took=0.000ms ts=2023-03-08T19:51:22.129658Z lvl=info msg="executing new query" log_id=0gLsOB_0000 query="SELECT mean(\"Percent_Processor_Time\") FROM \"win_cpu\" WHERE (\"host\" = 'BISQL02') AND time >= now() - 24h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(15m) fill(null)" ts=2023-03-08T19:51:22.129658Z lvl=debug msg="buckets find" log_id=0gLsOB_0000 store=new took=0.000ms ts=2023-03-08T19:51:22.129658Z lvl=info msg="Executing query" log_id=0gLsOB_0000 service=query query="SELECT mean(Percent_Processor_Time) FROM Telegraf.autogen.win_cpu WHERE (host = 'BISQL02') AND time >= now() - 1d AND time <= now() GROUP BY time(15m)" ts=2023-03-08T19:51:22.130196Z lvl=debug msg="buckets find" log_id=0gLsOB_0000 store=new took=0.000ms

Thank you, yes i have seen it.
And also have a case on Git, but no response yet. :frowning:

This is a profile from when it’s running find during the daytime.
