Influx DB in cluster mode


Is there a way to set up InfluxDB in High Availability mode? For example if the primary nodes goes down then the secondary node serves the request. Both Primary and Secondary nodes are in sync regarding data. We use Grafana UI in our setup.




Checking in if there are any updates for my earlier post to this forum?

Best Regards,


You can use DNS to steer the connections or introduce HA proxy/NGINX to interface with the DBs.

@sbains Any examples or flowchart/diagram to setup HAProxy to load balance InfluxDB?

Thanks in Advance.

Best Regards,


I assume you’re aware of the paid product InfluxDB Enterprise. Which handles all the HA/load balancing, query balancing for you.

Sorry I can’t help on how to setup HAProxy. But would be interested if you get it working. Might be nice to know of a way to get semi-cluster functionality without paying for the enterprise version, but it’s probably at your own risk.