Influx CLI with HTTPS on Influx 2.0.4

Dear community,
I’m new in influxdb and facing an error. I’ve setup my influx with HTTPS (self signed CA).

Now I can’t run some influx commands. My Version:

    root@influx:~# influx version
Influx CLI 2.0.4 (git: 4e7a59bb9a) build_date: 2021-02-08T17:47:02Z

Working command:
root@influx:~# influx ping --skip-verify

Not working command:

   root@influx:~# influx bucket list --skip-verify 
Error: Failed to retrieve buckets: unauthorized access.
See 'influx bucket list -h' for help

Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
WIthout --skip-verify I receive this error:

root@influx:~# influx bucket list Error: Failed to retrieve buckets: Get "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority. Error: Get "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority. See 'influx bucket list -h' for help
Thanks for your’re help!


I suspect this has nothing to do with https, but with the access token in influxdb 2.0.
Some people have problems with this every now and then, if I look at some threads here.
Did you create the config with an All Access Token?

@Franky1 that was the Problem! Thx!!!
influx bucket list --skip-verify is working!