Hi all,
I have experienced a strange issue, and I hope you guys can help me understand the reason of this.
I have created a huge dataset (500M+ datapoints), to import directly in Influx (running on a remote server!) with the -import command, using the CLI.
This dataset has 4 tags and a field.
I successfully inserted it, reaching an overall 224k PPS speed.
For testing purposes, I decided to re-load the same dataset in another db, making all tags fields (i.e. modifying the line protocol, from measurement,tagkeys=tagvals fieldkey=fieldval timestamp to measurement fieldkeys=fieldvals timestamp - note the missing comma after measurement, after the mod).
We all know that InfluxDB automatically indexes tags. So, my intuition was that, making all attributes field, ingestion speed would have been enhanced.
Instead, with my big surprise, I reached an overall 194k PPS speed, resulting in a big speed drop, the opposite effect I wanted to create.
Who to blame? Maybe network issues this afternoon that altered my tests? I will certainly repeat them when possible, to make this clear. In the meanwhile, does anybody have any clue on this behavior??
P.S.: test queries ran worse too. Ok for tag-based queries (no tags/indexes anymore!), but time-ranged and field-based queries should have had similar runtime, which is not.