Import influx dashboard from json with queries included

Dear all,
I created a dashboard with influxUI and would like to automate it creation when redeploying my influxDB using influx API.

Here is how i proceed :

  1. Create a dashboard with influxUI
  2. Export this dashboard and all its properties (queries included) with influx API :
    curl --request GET “{hostname}:8086/api/v2/dashboards/{dashboardID}?include=properties” --header “Authorization: Token {mytoken}” > mydashboard.json
    3.Create a new dasbhoard from this json file :
    curl -X POST “{hostname}:8086/api/v2/dashboards” -H “Authorization: Token {mytoken}” -H “Content-Type: application/json” --data @“mydashboard.json”

Back to influxUI, I can see that the dashboard was successfully created but cells are all empty. While opening any cell and checking the script editor, i can see that no query is written …
What did I do wrong ?

Thanks in advance