Over the weekend, the UK changed from GMT (ie UTC) to BST which is UTC -1. Our server time also changed to BST
Our telegraf agent is tailing a file in CSV format, and has not taken this into account so times are one hour ahead of actual time.
We have an application that generates the file in this format which Telegraf tails and stores in Influx.
20190401T14:41:14.000000 | f31a7c4 | APP_A | 1 |
20190401T14:41:15.000000 | f31a7c4 | APP_A | 2 |
Our inputs.tail configuration is
files = ["/autotest/spike-ansible/filea.csv"]
from_beginning = false
watch_method = "inotify"
data_format = "csv"
csv_header_row_count = 1
csv_delimiter = ","
csv_timestamp_column = "time"
csv_timestamp_format = "20060102T15:04:05.000000"
csv_tag_columns = ["TESTRUNID"]
csv_measurement_column = "METRICNAME"
I’ve tried adding timezone = “Local” at various places in telegraf’s configuration file, with but either it ignored it, or refused to start…
So how do I set the timezone in Telegraf so that it follows the server timezone?
Kind regards,