How to read array data in OPC UA

Hi folks,
I am using the plugin OPC UA but cannot access inside an array

For objects I simply solved by pointing to the variable within the structure
Structure example:

V10 = {
   RPMx100 = 100;
   Temp = 18;
   PowerOn = True;
nodes = [
    {name="V10.RPMx100", namespace="6", identifier_type="s", identifier="::Program:V10.RPMx100"},
    {name="V10.temp", namespace="6", identifier_type="s", identifier="::Program:V10.temp"},
    {name="V10.powerOn", namespace="6", identifier_type="s", identifier="::Program:V10.powerOn"},
    {name="V10.torque", namespace="6", identifier_type="s", identifier="::Program:V10.torque"},
    {name="V10.torquePercentage", namespace="6", identifier_type="s", identifier="::Program:V10.torquePercentage"},

Is there a way to read also the value of data inside an array in OPC UA?

Hi @Giu-seppe,
So our OPC UA connector is based upon the following library: GitHub - gopcua/opcua: Native Go OPC-UA library
I haven’t tested arrays within the plugin but i lean-to the side we currently don’t support this data structure. Might be worth opening a feature request.

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Hi @Jay_Clifford,
I open a feature request.
Thanks for the clarifications.

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No worries at all! We are slowly working on improving the plugin. So thank you ever so much for the feedback. I will make sure to flag it with our product manager. Can you send me a link to the feature once written?

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Of course, this is the feature request.
I was unable to add the “opc ua” tag.
As soon as there are news, I start with the tests of the nightly version
@Jay_Clifford I also posted a bug report related to tags at this link

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