How to push data from influxdb_1 to influxdb_2 ussing kapacitor?


How to push data from influxdb_1 to influxdb_2 ussing kapacitor?

Answered on another topic:

Thanks a lot sir very nice

How to if influx2 using autentification username & password db???

You can specify that in the configuration as well.

U have example sir?

So data is realtime or not?

Both of the examples I linked to show the username and password fields of the configuration.

Kapacitor can function in two modes, batch or stream. I suggest reading @mschae16’s blog post on the topic:

but it sounds like streaming is what you’re looking for.

This cluster free or Hight avabillity?

There is no clustering or high availability in the open source product. If you are interested in those features, please contact our sales team.