How to merge different aggregated counter to one table?

I have multiple counters in same measurement object need to be aggregated by different way. How I can merge them into one table?
for example:

  1. Monitor CPU and input maximum CPU, minimum CPU, sum CPU every 1 minutes.
  2. Need to generate report every 15 minutes including aggregated maximum CPU via max(), minimum CPU via min(), average CPU via sum() during 15 minutes.

influx query --org rcppm -t pm9passwd ’

gauge = from(bucket:“pm9gp”)
|> range(start: -15m30s)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == “omes2002” and
r._field == “local_m2002c0001”
|> group(columns: [“DN”, “_field”])
|> mean()
|> group(columns: [“_measurement”])
|> yield()

Result: _result
Table: keys:
_start:time _stop:time DN:string _field:string _value:float

2021-02-25T07:17:25.098335009Z 2021-02-25T07:32:55.098335009Z FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-0 local_m2002c0001 4.183800000000001
2021-02-25T07:17:25.098335009Z 2021-02-25T07:32:55.098335009Z FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-1 local_m2002c0001 4.2288
2021-02-25T07:17:25.098335009Z 2021-02-25T07:32:55.098335009Z FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-2 local_m2002c0001 4.6385499999999995
2021-02-25T07:17:25.098335009Z 2021-02-25T07:32:55.098335009Z FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-3 local_m2002c0001 3.6403433333333335

influx query --org rcppm -t pm9passwd ’

max = from(bucket:“pm9gp”)
|> range(start: -15m30s)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == “omes2002” and
r._field == “m2002c0004”
|> group(columns: [“DN”, “_field”])
|> max()
|> group(columns: [“_measurement”])
|> yield()

Result: _result
Table: keys: [_measurement]
_measurement:string _stop:time _time:time _value:float DN:string _field:string _start:time

          omes2002  2021-02-25T07:33:28.263688577Z  2021-02-25T07:30:00.856972319Z                             7     FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-0              m2002c0004  2021-02-25T07:17:58.263688577Z
          omes2002  2021-02-25T07:33:28.263688577Z  2021-02-25T07:25:00.841503070Z                             7     FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-1              m2002c0004  2021-02-25T07:17:58.263688577Z
          omes2002  2021-02-25T07:33:28.263688577Z  2021-02-25T07:20:00.790683513Z                             6     FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-2              m2002c0004  2021-02-25T07:17:58.263688577Z
          omes2002  2021-02-25T07:33:28.263688577Z  2021-02-25T07:25:00.841527254Z                             6     FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-3              m2002c0004  2021-02-25T07:17:58.263688577Z

influx query --org rcppm -t pm9passwd ’

max = from(bucket:“pm9gp”)
|> range(start: -15m30s)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == “omes2002” and
r._field == “m2002c0003”
|> group(columns: [“DN”, “_field”])
|> min()
|> group(columns: [“_measurement”])
|> yield()

Result: _result
Table: keys: [_measurement]
_measurement:string _stop:time _time:time _value:float DN:string _field:string _start:time

          omes2002  2021-02-25T07:34:18.372017940Z  2021-02-25T07:25:00.841487957Z                             3     FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-0              m2002c0003  2021-02-25T07:18:48.372017940Z
          omes2002  2021-02-25T07:34:18.372017940Z  2021-02-25T07:25:00.841503070Z                             3     FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-1              m2002c0003  2021-02-25T07:18:48.372017940Z
          omes2002  2021-02-25T07:34:18.372017940Z  2021-02-25T07:25:00.841514391Z                             3     FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-2              m2002c0003  2021-02-25T07:18:48.372017940Z
          omes2002  2021-02-25T07:34:18.372017940Z  2021-02-25T07:25:00.841527254Z                             2     FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-3              m2002c0003  2021-02-25T07:18:48.372017940Z

influx query --org rcppm -t pm9passwd ’

max = from(bucket:“pm9gp”)
|> range(start: -15m30s)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == “omes2002” and
r._field == “local_m2002c0002”
|> group(columns: [“DN”, “_field”])
|> sum()
|> group(columns: [“_measurement”])
|> yield()

Result: _result
Table: keys:
_start:time _stop:time DN:string _field:string _value:float

2021-02-25T07:21:40.287261696Z 2021-02-25T07:37:10.287261696Z FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-0 local_m2002c0002 88750
2021-02-25T07:21:40.287261696Z 2021-02-25T07:37:10.287261696Z FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-1 local_m2002c0002 88733
2021-02-25T07:21:40.287261696Z 2021-02-25T07:37:10.287261696Z FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-2 local_m2002c0002 88715
2021-02-25T07:21:40.287261696Z 2021-02-25T07:37:10.287261696Z FPNODE-mn-0/FPCPU-3 local_m2002c0002 88655

How make it possible? looks Join only supports 2 tables.

Not sure why you need them in 1 table. You can reference any number or buckets and measurements as part of one dashboard.

Do you have an example of what you’re trying to achieve /reproduce?

We need to generate one plain text report with multiple(sum, min, max, avg) aggregate measurement from influxDB where raw measurement is stored.