How to group all table streams

I’m using InfluxDB and telegraf to have a dashboard.

InfluxDB v2.4.0 (git: de247bab08) build_date: 2022-08-18T19:41:15Z
Telegraf 1.23.4 (git: HEAD 5b48f5da)

My goal is to create a table with “fwVersion” for each “MCU”.
telegraf input is an mqtt_consumer with this config

  topics = [ "+/+/hal" ]
  name_override = "test_10"
  data_format = "json_v2"

      path = "mcu"
      included_keys = [ "uuid" ]
      tags = [ "target", "fwVersion", "resetCause", "mcu" ]

The input (MQTT payload) looks like this


In addition to this mqtt_consumer, I have a processor regex to parse the topic and get the “cliend_id” and “device_id” where

topic = <cliend_id>/<device_id>/hal

The desired output is a table in “Web Admin Interface” of InfluxDB where I can see the version per MCU per device per client, plus the additional information (uuid, resetCause …)

Client Device Target Version
Client_1 Device_1 MCU_1 2022.08.1
Client_1 Device_1 MCU_2 2022.08.2
Client_2 Device_2 MCU_1 2022.07.1
Client_2 Device_2 MCU_2 2022.07.2

By using this flux query

from(bucket: "rainbow")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "test_10")
  |> last()

I was able to get these tables streams
But I was unable to join (merge) them all together.

When I click on View raw Data, the data is printed as requested.
But I can not create a cell in dashboard with this view

Hello @Achraf_Belkhiria,
To group all tables in a stream add the following to the end of your flux query:

|> group()

Hey @Anaisdg , Thanks for your reply

By adding group() I get the desired table. But I still see the table streams
Is there a possibility to get rid of the filter view ?

Hello @Achraf_Belkhiria,
You can navigate to the raw data view.
It’s the toggle by the submit button.