I have created a subscription in influxdb when I am inserting data in influxdb it is inserting successfully and it showing log of inserted data. and that subscription URL also called we confirmed by a log file But we are not able to read inserted data on subscription endpoint either through get or post method or request body. Please help me to get inserted data. The documentation also does not have any example or reference. Thank you.
I have added an end point to influxdb subscription as http://ipaddress:4003/users/getdatadevice/write to receive inserted data if any data is inserted While I am inserting data using API or CLI, influxdb reaching the end point I have added but I could not able to get what is the data it is posting. I am using nodejs Please help me to read data. Thank you.
@taurej have you been able to figure this out yet? We have the exact same problem where kapacitor works but not a direct subscription with an http endpoint.