Hello everyone,
I’ve been struggling with ‘windowing’ for the last 4-5 days and I just wasn’t able to solve the issue. So I decided to try my chances here…
I’ve seen a couple of topics related to my issue but they did not solve my problem.
What I’ve been trying to do is to windowing my query by ‘exact’ durations. window() and aggregateWindow() functions do not work the way I want.
With window()
t1 = data
|> range(start: -1h, stop: now())
|> window(every:15m)
|> first()
|> yield(name: "t1")
start | _stop | _time | _value |
2021-06-27T16:40:22.023043671Z | 2021-06-27T16:45:00Z | 2021-06-27T16:40:56Z | v1 |
2021-06-27T16:45:00Z | 2021-06-27T17:00:00Z | 2021-06-27T16:45:56Z | v2 |
2021-06-27T17:00:00Z | 2021-06-27T17:15:00Z | 2021-06-27T17:00:55Z | v3 |
2021-06-27T17:15:00Z | 2021-06-27T17:30:00Z | 2021-06-27T17:15:54Z | v4 |
2021-06-27T17:30:00Z | 2021-06-27T17:40:22.023043671Z | 2021-06-27T17:30:55Z | v5 |
with aggregateWindow()
t1 = data
|> range(start: -1h, stop: now())
|> aggregateWindow(every:15m, fn: first)
|> yield(name: "t1")
_start | _stop | _time | _value |
2021-06-27T16:41:09.116567911Z | 2021-06-27T17:41:09.116567911Z | 2021-06-27T16:45:00Z | v1 |
2021-06-27T16:41:09.116567911Z | 2021-06-27T17:41:09.116567911Z | 2021-06-27T17:00:00Z | v2 |
2021-06-27T16:41:09.116567911Z | 2021-06-27T17:41:09.116567911Z | 2021-06-27T17:15:00Z | v3 |
2021-06-27T16:41:09.116567911Z | 2021-06-27T17:41:09.116567911Z | 2021-06-27T17:30:00Z | v4 |
2021-06-27T16:41:09.116567911Z | 2021-06-27T17:41:09.116567911Z | 2021-06-27T17:41:09.116567911Z | v5 |
now the first problem arises here, I’m trying to get 15minute windows out of 1hour. so technically what I want is 4 exact evenly divided time blocks… WITHOUT dropping the _time values…
so here is an example of what I’m trying to get:
start | _stop | _time | _value |
2021-06-27T16:40:22.023043671Z | 2021-06-27T16:55:22.023043671Z | T1 | V1 |
2021-06-27T16:55:22.023043671Z | 2021-06-27T17:10:22.023043671Z | T2 | V2 |
2021-06-27T17:10:22.023043671Z | 2021-06-27T17:25:22.023043671Z | T3 | V3 |
2021-06-27T17:25:22.023043671Z | 2021-06-27T17:40:22.023043671Z | T4 | V4 |
I was able to get this result by querying each 15 minute blocks one by one…
x1 = data
|> range(start: -60m, stop: -45m)
|> first()
|> yield(....)
x2 = data
|> range(start: -45m, stop: -30m)
|> first()
|> yield(....)
x3 = data
|> range(start: -30m, stop: -15m)
|> first()
|> yield(....)
x4 = data
|> range(start: -15m, stop: -0m)
|> first()
|> yield(....)
as you can guess, this is going to be a huge cumbersome because I will be using other selectors too… like last() min() max() and mean()
have been using this for the last 1-2 days. works fine for 1h periods, but what if I wanted to query last 12 hours?
and I’m not worried about visualizing the data. I’m sending results to my application to process further. so it is fine if the result includes multiple tables
Would be great if anybody can help me out with this…