Have script send data to InfluxDB using http api

I´ve setup a IR-eye that collects data from a Kamstrup Multical 601 Heatmeter (water) using GPIO´s on my Raspberry Pi2 and a script “automated” with Cron.

As Im not a coder I have found a script that sends data to Domoticz. I want the script to send the collected data to my InfluxDB. I´ve tried to replace the IP and port definitions for Domoticz in script with the IP and port for my influxDB installation but that doesnt work. Iv´e tried using the InfluxDB HTTP API curl -i -XPOST 'http://localhost:8086/write?db=mydb' --data-binary 'cpu_load_short,host=server01,region=us-west value=0.64 1434055562000000000' in the script but also with errors.

I would appreciate any help I can get to get this working, (have been struggling with this for a long time :slight_smile: Thank you very much.


            from __future__ import print_function

            # You need pySerial
            import serial
            import math
            import sys
            import datetime
            import json
            import urllib
            import urllib.request
            import codecs

reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")

domoip = "192.168.1.XX"
domoport = "8080"
debug = 1

kamstrup_MC601_var = {                # Decimal Number in Command
0x003C: "Heat Energy (E1)",         #60
0x0050: "Power",                   #80
0x0056: "Temp1",                   #86
0x0057: "Temp2",                   #87
0x0059: "Tempdiff",                #89
0x004A: "Flow",                    #74
0x0044: "Volume",                  #68
0x008D: "MinFlow_M",               #141
0x008B: "MaxFlow_M",               #139
0x008C: "MinFlowDate_M",           #140
0x008A: "MaxFlowDate_M",           #138
0x0091: "MinPower_M",              #145
0x008F: "MaxPower_M",              #143
0x0095: "AvgTemp1_M",              #149
0x0096: "AvgTemp2_M",              #150
0x0090: "MinPowerDate_M",          #144
0x008E: "MaxPowerDate_M",          #142
0x007E: "MinFlow_Y",               #126
0x007C: "MaxFlow_Y",               #124
0x007D: "MinFlowDate_Y",           #125
0x007B: "MaxFlowDate_Y",           #123
0x0082: "MinPower_Y",              #130
0x0080: "MaxPower_Y",              #128
0x0092: "AvgTemp1_Y",              #146
0x0093: "AvgTemp2_Y",              #147
0x0081: "MinPowerDate_Y",          #129
0x007F: "MaxPowerDate_Y",          #127
0x0061: "Temp1xm3",                #97
0x006E: "Temp2xm3",                #110
0x0071: "Infoevent",               #113
0x03EC: "HourCounter",             #1004

units = {
0: '', 1: 'Wh', 2: 'kWh', 3: 'MWh', 4: 'GWh', 5: 'j', 6: 'kj', 7: 'Mj',
8: 'Gj', 9: 'Cal', 10: 'kCal', 11: 'Mcal', 12: 'Gcal', 13: 'varh',
14: 'kvarh', 15: 'Mvarh', 16: 'Gvarh', 17: 'VAh', 18: 'kVAh',
19: 'MVAh', 20: 'GVAh', 21: 'kW', 22: 'kW', 23: 'MW', 24: 'GW',
25: 'kvar', 26: 'kvar', 27: 'Mvar', 28: 'Gvar', 29: 'VA', 30: 'kVA',
31: 'MVA', 32: 'GVA', 33: 'V', 34: 'A', 35: 'kV',36: 'kA', 37: 'C',
38: 'K', 39: 'l', 40: 'm3', 41: 'l/h', 42: 'm3/h', 43: 'm3xC',
44: 'ton', 45: 'ton/h', 46: 'h', 47: 'hh:mm:ss', 48: 'yy:mm:dd',
49: 'yyyy:mm:dd', 50: 'mm:dd', 51: '', 52: 'bar', 53: 'RTC',
54: 'ASCII', 55: 'm3 x 10', 56: 'ton x 10', 57: 'GJ x 10',
58: 'minutes', 59: 'Bitfield', 60: 's', 61: 'ms', 62: 'days',
63: 'RTC-Q', 64: 'Datetime'

    def crc_1021(message):
    poly = 0x1021
    reg = 0x0000
    for byte in message:
            mask = 0x80
            while(mask > 0):
                    if byte & mask:
                            reg |= 1
                    if reg & 0x10000:
                            reg &= 0xffff
                            reg ^= poly
    return reg

# Byte values which must be escaped before transmission

escapes = {
   0x06: True,
   0x0d: True,
   0x1b: True,
   0x40: True,
   0x80: True,

# And here we go....

class kamstrup(object):

def __init__(self, serial_port):
    self.debug_fd = open("/tmp/_kamstrup", "a")
    self.debug_id = None

    self.ser = serial.Serial(
        port = serial_port,
        baudrate = 1200,
        timeout = 5.0,
        bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS,
        parity = serial.PARITY_NONE,
        stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_TWO)
#            xonxoff = 0,
#            rtscts = 0)
#           timeout = 20

def debug(self, dir, b):
    for i in b:
        if dir != self.debug_id:
            if self.debug_id != None:
            self.debug_fd.write(dir + "\t")
            self.debug_id = dir
        self.debug_fd.write(" %02x " % i)

def debug_msg(self, msg):
    if self.debug_id != None:
    self.debug_id = "Msg"
    self.debug_fd.write("Msg\t" + msg)

def wr(self, b):
    b = bytearray(b)
    self.debug("Wr", b);

def rd(self):
    a = self.ser.read(1)
    if len(a) == 0:
        self.debug_msg("Rx Timeout")
        return None
    b = bytearray(a)[0]
    self.debug("Rd", bytearray((b,)));
    return b

def send(self, pfx, msg):
    b = bytearray(msg)

    c = crc_1021(b)
    b[-2] = c >> 8
    b[-1] = c & 0xff

    c = bytearray()
    for i in b:
        if i in escapes:
            c.append(i ^ 0xff)

def recv(self):
    b = bytearray()
    while True:
        d = self.rd()
        if d == None:
            return None
        if d == 0x40:
            b = bytearray()
        if d == 0x0d:
    c = bytearray()
    i = 1;
    while i < len(b) - 1:
        if b[i] == 0x1b:
            v = b[i + 1] ^ 0xff
            if v not in escapes:
                    "Missing Escape %02x" % v)
            i += 2
            i += 1
    if crc_1021(c):
        self.debug_msg("CRC error")
    return c[:-2]

def readvar(self, nbr):
    # I wouldn't be surprised if you can ask for more than
    # one variable at the time, given that the length is
    # encoded in the response.  Havn't tried.

    self.send(0x80, (0x3f, 0x10, 0x01, nbr >> 8, nbr & 0xff))

    b = self.recv()
    if b == None:
        return (None, None)
    if b[0] != 0x3f or b[1] != 0x10:
        return (None, None)

    if b[2] != nbr >> 8 or b[3] != nbr & 0xff:
       return (None, None)

    if b[4] in units:
        u = units[b[4]]
        u = None

    # Decode the mantissa
    x = 0
    for i in range(0,b[5]):
        x <<= 8
        x |= b[i + 7]

    # Decode the exponent
    i = b[6] & 0x3f
    if b[6] & 0x40:
        i = -i
    i = math.pow(10,i)
    if b[6] & 0x80:
        i = -i
    x *= i

    if False:
        # Debug print
        s = ""
        for i in b[:4]:
            s += " %02x" % i
        s += " |"
        for i in b[4:7]:
            s += " %02x" % i
        s += " |"
        for i in b[7:]:
            s += " %02x" % i

        print(s, "=", x, units[b[4]])

    return (x, u)

if __name__ == "__main__":

import time

    comport = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
    print("Device required. Example: /dev/ttyUSB0")

# Previous Script had multiple arguments, commented this out for different usage
#command = int( sys.argv[2], 0)

    index = str( sys.argv[2] )
except IndexError:
    print("Domoticz variables required. This script can not be executed without it")

index = index.split(',')

if debug > 0:
    print("Parameter specified: ")
    for i in index:
        print("+ " + i)

foo = kamstrup( comport )
heat_timestamp=datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.today(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )

# This command seems to have different outputs, left out for that.
# kamstrup_402_var = int(kamstrup_402_var * 1000)

   print       ("===========================================================")
 print ("Kamstrup Multical 601 serial optical data received: %s" % heat_timestamp)
print ("Meter vendor/type: Kamstrup M601")
print ("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")

for i in kamstrup_MC601_var:
    x,u = foo.readvar(i)
    r = 0

print("%-25s" % kamstrup_MC601_var[i], x, u)

for y in index:
    paramater = y.split(':')
    idx = int(paramater[0],0)
    dcNr = int(paramater[1],0)
    opt = int(paramater[2],0)

        compare_idx = int(paramater[3],0)
    except IndexError:
        compare_idx = 0

    # If decimal number matches the command given as argv[2]
    if i == dcNr:
        value = round(x,2)

        # Retrieve devicename and devicedata
        requestGet = ( "http://" + str(domoip) + ":" + str(domoport) + "/json.htm? type=devices&rid=" + str(idx) )
        device_data = json.load(reader(urllib.request.urlopen(requestGet)))
        device_name = device_data['result'][0]['Name']
        device_value = device_data['result'][0]['Data']
        if debug > 0:
            print("+ Last stored value for device: " + device_name + " was " + device_value)

        if debug > 0:
            print("+ Processing parameter: " + str(y) + "")

        # 0 = Update current
        # 1 = Substraction
        # 2 = Addition
        if opt == 0:
            # Submit the current value to the device
            if debug > 0:
                print("  + F" + str(opt) + " Debug: Overwrite: " + str(device_name) + " (idx: " + str(idx) + ") with latest value: " + str(value))
            dummyvar = 0
        elif opt == 1:
            if compare_idx > 0:
                requestGet = ( "http://" + str(domoip) + ":" + str(domoport) + "/json.htm?type=devices&rid=" + str(compare_idx) )
                device_compare_data = json.load(reader(urllib.request.urlopen(requestGet)))
                device_compare_name = device_compare_data['result'][0]['Name']
                device_compare_value = device_compare_data['result'][0]['Data']
                device_compare_value = device_compare_value.split(' ')
                device_compare_value = device_compare_value[0]
                diff = float(value) - float(device_compare_value)
                diff = round(diff,2)

                if debug > 0:
                    print("  + F" + str(opt) + " Debug: Substract " + str(device_compare_value) + " (idx:" + str(compare_idx) + ") from " + str(value) + " (idx:" + str(idx) + ") = " + str(diff) )

                value = diff

        elif opt == 2:
            if compare_idx > 0:
                device_value = device_value.split(' ')
                device_value = device_value[0]

                requestGet = ( "http://" + str(domoip) + ":" + str(domoport) + "/json.htm?type=devices&rid=" + str(compare_idx) )
                device_compare_data = json.load(reader(urllib.request.urlopen(requestGet)))
                device_compare_name = device_compare_data['result'][0]['Name']
                device_compare_value = device_compare_data['result'][0]['Data']
                device_compare_value = device_compare_value.split(' ')
                device_compare_value = device_compare_value[0]
                diff = float(value) - float(device_compare_value)
                diff = round(diff,2)

                addup = float(diff) + float(device_value)
                addup = round(addup,2)

                if debug > 0:
                    print("  + F" + str(opt) + " Debug: Addition " + str(device_value) + " (idx:" + str(idx) + ") + " + str(diff) + " (" + str(value) + " (idx:" + str(idx) + ") - " + str(device_compare_value) + " (idx:" + str(compare_idx) + ")) = " + str(addup) )

                value = addup

        # Upload the current value to the device
        print("  + F" + str(opt) + " Submit value " + str(value) + " to '" + str(device_name) + "' (idx: " + str(idx) + ")")
        requestPost = ( "http://" + str(domoip) + ":" + str(domoport) + "/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=" + str(idx) + "&svalue=" + str(value) )
        resultPost = urllib.request.urlopen(requestPost)

print ("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
print ("End data received: %s" % heat_timestamp)
print    ("=======================================================================================")

Hi ,
what is the duration of your retention policy ?
What is the error ?
you are trying to write data to your database with an epoch = 1434055562000000000
that is Thursday, June 11, 2015 8:46:02 PM
Can you try the same curl command without specifying a time ?

best regards