Grafana search option does not work with Influx Cloud Serverless

Hi All,

I’m using

  • InfluxDB Cloud Serverless Storage Engine Version 3
  • Grafana Cloud (Free)
  • Grafana v10.2.4

When selecting a measurement in grafana, all the options are shown.
However, when searching for a substring of a measurement, the result is empty:

I’ve tried searching on numbers only, on letters only, on a combination of letters and numbers. Nothing seems to work.

I have added influx cloud as a data source to both grafana’s in order to test if this was a possible grafana issue or an influx issue. Sine it does not work in both versions of gafana, i’m more convinced that it might be an Influx issue.

Anyone has an idea what might be going wrong?

Hello @JeroenPandelaere,
If you tested against one version of Influx and two versions of Grafana, that tells me that it’s likely a Grafana issue. Can you successfully use search options with a different version of Influx? Maybe OSS 2.x or 1.x?
Have you tried posting in:

Otherwise if the problem persists can you please submit an issue here?

Thank you!

Hi Anaisdg,

I added some other influx (V2) data sources in grafana, here the search option works.
I made an issue here: Grafana search option does not work with Influx Cloud Serverless · Issue #25971 · influxdata/influxdb · GitHub