Golang return type of client.WriteAPIBlocking

need help assigning the returned type from client.WriteAPIBlocking.

var dbClient influxdb2.Client
var writeAPIx <????>
dbClient = influxdb2.NewClient(... 
writeAPIx = dbClient.WriteAPIBlocking(...

The return for WriteAPIBlocking is (*api.WriteAPIBlocking).
Can you help me to declare the type for writeAPIx?
I can’t use :=, as I need to pass the value around - in and out of functions.

(Golang 1.18, v2 InfluxDB API).


@kevinR. Thanks for using the InfluxDB Go client.
api.WriteAPIBlocking is an interface and thus it is a reference by default. You can declare a variable simply:
var writeAPIx api.WriteAPIBlocking

func InitWriting() {
	var dbClient influxdb2.Client
	var writeAPIx api.WriteAPIBlocking
	dbClient = influxdb2.NewClient("http://localhost:8086","my-token")
	writeAPIx = dbClient.WriteAPIBlocking("my-org","my-bucket")
	go metricsWriter(writeAPIx)

func metricsWriter(writer api.WriteAPIBlocking) {
	// gather and write data

thanks VH! Compile now works. Testing the code now.


Data insertion is working fine now. Thank!