Thanks for the reply - I’d seen that functionality, but thought it was specific to pre-defined “_level” values (like “ok”, “warn”, “crit”, as shown in the examples). But good to know, I’ll definitely give it a shot and see if it works for our purposes.
I gave it a quick test - renaming the column works fine, but it seems using the “monitor” package requires you to be referencing the “_monitoring” bucket, so I don’t think this does quite what I want. I need to access a specific bucket and do this functionality for specific values in a given column.
Thanks for the help, sorry it took a bit for me to get back. Your blog post was especially helpful in this - I am so close to having it work, but it seems the “stateChangesOnly” call isn’t quite working for me. I’m able to detect specific changes “from”, “to”, but every time I do stateChangesOnly, I get no results back. After trying many combinations, casts, etc, it seems like there may just be some bug in the functionality?
This is my exact query- “Channel” is a tag and _value is an int, numbers 0-7, that I’m trying to catch changes on (hence the “toString()” cast).