Export Bucket to Line Protocol creates File with 0 Bytes

Hi everyone,
I want to export a bucket and import it into an existing bucket on another system. Both run influxdb 2.7.11. On both instances I have a bucket called iobroker but since the bucket on the second instance contains data I cannot simply restore a backup on the second instance. The data structure in both buckets is the same.
I wanted to use influxd inspect export-lp but it returns

{“level”:“info”,“ts”:1733686109.2721264,“caller”:“export_lp/export_lp.go:219”,“msg”:“exporting TSM files”,“tsm_dir”:“/var/lib/influxdb/engine/data/2f9701c648b78563”,“file_count”:0}
{“level”:“info”,“ts”:1733686109.2721705,“caller”:“export_lp/export_lp.go:315”,“msg”:“exporting WAL files”,“wal_dir”:“/var/lib/influxdb/engine/wal/2f9701c648b78563”,“file_count”:0}
{“level”:“info”,“ts”:1733686109.2721949,“caller”:“export_lp/export_lp.go:204”,“msg”:“export complete”}

The bucket defenitly contains data that should lead to something like a couple 100MBs.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
This is what I executed:
influxd inspect export-lp --bucket-id 2f9701c648b78563 --engine-path /var/lib/influxdb/engine --output-path ~/influxexport.lp