Error with Telegraf Agent (?)

Hi all, I think I have a problem with “telegraf agent”. When I start it, it gets stuck on these inputs and doesn’t go any further.

I! [inputs.modbus] Got 1 request(s) touching 6 holding registers for 3 fields (slave 1)
I! [inputs.modbus] Got 0 request(s) touching 0 inputs registers for 0 fields (slave 1)
I! [inputs.modbus] Got 0 request(s) touching 0 discrete registers for 0 fields (slave 1)
I! [inputs.modbus] Got 0 request(s) touching 0 coil registers for 0 fields (slave 1)

I am using the modbus TCP inputs plugin and the input configuration file is as follows:

name = "Analyzer 1"
timeout = "2s"
controller = "tcp://"
transmission_mode = "TCP"
debug_connection = true
configuration_type = "request"

    slave_id = 1
    byte_order = "ABCD"
    register = "holding"
    fields = [
         { address = 2562, name = "V1",type = "FLOAT32"},
         { address = 2564, name = "V2",type = "FLOAT32"},
         { address = 2566, name = "V3", type = "FLOAT32"}

      slave_id = "1"
      location = "AN. 1"

           close_connection_after_gather = true

The Telegraf global config:

# Telegraf Configuration
# Configuration for telegraf agent
   interval = "30s"
   round_interval = true
   metric_batch_size = 1000
   metric_buffer_limit = 10000
   collection_jitter = "5s"
   flush_interval = "10s"
   flush_jitter = "0s"
   precision = "0s"
   hostname = ""
   omit_hostname = false

I tried with MBPoll and I can read the analyzer data.

MBPoll might use 1-based addressing and Telegraf might use 0-based addressing. Check if the address values in your config are off by 1?
i.e, if MBPoll works with address 2563, try using address = 2561 in Telegraf.

Can you start with one field and then see the rest?

Also set:
debug = true

For detailed logs.

@srebhan do you have any idea? Thank you

Hi Aniasdg, thanks for the reply.
I tried but nothing, today I noticed that Telegraf gives me this message

level=warning msg="DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS envvar looks to be not set, this can lead to runaway dbus-daemon processes. To avoid this, set envvar DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/bus (if it exists) or DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=/dev/null." func="gosnowflake.(*defaultLogger).Warn" file="log.go:244"

I tried with


but the message is shown again.

From what I see, no errors are generated and everything seems to be working for the system.
Today I noticed that once started with

service telegraf start

The data in InfluxDB is written to me with about 2 hours of delay. What could be the cause?