Email Notification InfluxDB 2


Context : I’ve deployed InfluxDB 2 on a serveur. Following this topic : “Send alert email | InfluxDB Cloud Documentation”, I’ve also configure a task to send me an alert via an Email.

Problem : However, InfluxDB send me 3 times the same notification and i don’t understand why…

Please could you help me to resolve this issue ?


@Julien Using that guide, the map() function will send an email for every row it receives. If you’re receiving 3 emails, it means 3 rows meet the criteria to trigger the function. You could use a selector function like last() or unique() to reduce the number of rows sent into map().

@scott Could you give me an using example to reduce the numbers of rows into map() with a selector please ?

With the example provided in the email guide:

// ...

  |> unique()
  |> map(...)

Following your example I’ve tried to add the unique() function in my Task. However, InfluxDB also send me 3 notifications.