I have a bunch of old measurements with bad / corrupted names, and i cannot figure out how to delete them. various attempts via cli and curl have failed
I tried the msgpack query, but i cannot figure out how to actually issue the drop measurement command. Cut and paste from the msgpack output doesnt work.
Is there any way to actually drop these measurments?
replace “your_measurement” with the measurement name you get from msgpack.
I’m not 100% on the influx API i tend to do most things in the CLI, but here’s some API docs that might help you structure the request how you want it.
The other option, as mentioned in the link you posted. Let the measurements age out through the retention policy. You’d need to create some new measurements for fresh data, then the old measurements will be dropped when the RP kicks in.
PS: careful copy and pasting, sometimes the forum changes the formatting of single and double quotes which causes problems.
Is that the output you get? I was expecting it to give the actual measurement name. But, assuming that should be network you could just update the second query to drop “network” instead of “^A@V^?^@^@twork”