Thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately, the Flux script you suggested is not working, the same error pops out
Yes, I’m using an all-access token, I’ve even made a new one.
It will be great to use CLI but I simply can’t get it to work.
I’ve downloaded it and followed the instruction from here: Install and use the influx CLI | InfluxDB OSS 2.3 Documentation
But when I open it, instead of opening a CLI interface it simply does nothing.
Hello @Cristian_Bertulli,
What version of InfluxDB are you using?
What OS are you running?
A CLI interface won’t automatically pop. For example with macOS you have to type influx in the terminal after installing the InfluxDB CLI in order to use the InfluxDB CLI.
InfluxDB v2.3.0+SNAPSHOT.090f681737
Windows 10 Pro (64bit)
I don’t know how but now CLI is working
I tried the delete command but it seems I have difficulties with parsing time
influx delete --bucket Test12 --start '2022-06-30T18:00:00.999999999Z07:00' --stop '2022-07-03T00:00:00.999999999Z07:00' --predicate '_measurement="R12_WD"'
Error: start time "'2022-06-30T18:00:00.999999999Z07:00'" cannot be parsed as RFC3339Nano: parsing time "'2022-06-30T18:00:00.999999999Z07:00'" as "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00": cannot parse "'2022-06-30T18:00:00.999999999Z07:00'" as "2006"
I tried with 2022-06-30T18:00:00Z or 2022-06-30T18:00:00.00Z or 2022-06-30T18:00:00.000Z but the same error message pops up.
Hello @Cristian_Bertulli,
If you copy and past the entire chunk including the back slashes it includes a line continuation. And you shouldn’t get that error. What OS are you using?
I’m very late finding this thread, but anyone else who comes across it - I believe the answer to the problem here is that you must execute through powershell. If you use a windows CLI it’ll produce the above error. I suspect it has to do with date interpretation in each CLI … but I haven’t bothered to do more than reproduce the problem in standard CLI, and watch it work in powershell.