Data is lost from measurements requestsRaw .Now it shows only two rows.Recently we have
server reboot.
How do I get my data.I don’t have backup of database jmeter3.
Please find below inline reply
Was the data lost right after the reboot ?—YES
What is the retention policy ?—default
Was the retention policy changed ?—Nope
show retention policies
name duration shardGroupDuration replicaN default
I faced the same issue in this influx version.
I have changed the index version to index-version = “tsi1” and then restarted influx.
So whenever influx got automatically crashed because of long-running query it was unable to restore the data.
Update the influx version to 1.7 and migrate the old data to the new one then this problem got solved.
If I will change index-version = “inmem” with influx restart then my data will come?
Do you have steps of upgrading 1.5.2 to 1.7 and migrating the old data(If migrating old data involve some specific steps) ?
I have found below url for upgrading 1.4 to 1.7.Will it work for 1.5.2 to 1.7? Upgrading to InfluxDB 1.7.x | InfluxDB OSS 1.7 Documentation
There are 3 measurements in jmeter3 database. I think we lost data in 2 measurements named as requestsRaw and testStartEnd.But did not lost data in virtualUsers.
Apart from that there are other databases as well and their measurements are intact.
use jmeter3
Using database jmeter3
show measurements;
name: measurements
select count(*) from requestsRaw;
name: requestsRaw
time count_errorCount count_nodeName count_responseTime count_testName count_threadName
0 2 2 2 2 2
select count(*) from testStartEnd;
name: testStartEnd
time count_testName
0 5
select count(*) from virtualUsers;
name: virtualUsers
time count_finishedThreads count_maxActiveThreads count_meanActiveThreads count_minActiveThreads count_startedThreads
0 13936 13936 13936 13936 13936
Do you remember how you changed from tsm to tsi1 ?
That I am not sure,Since installation is done by other person.Who already left organisation.
Influxdb is come with installation of Grafana version 5.1.3 .
I have found work around to get lost data.While this is not exact resolution of lost data.It’s just a work around.I thought to share with all of you ,So that it can help someone who faced same issue.
As earlier mentioned ,files(shards) are physically available on disk for my database but the data was not visible after server reboot.
If this is case then follow below steps to get your lost data
please take backup of your exisiting database with below commands
Hi @vimal525 ,
I was hoping your workaround would help me out in my situation, but unfortunately it didnt.
See my topic.
So did you have any other resolutions for that problem later?
Kind regards