as written before I´m very new and unskilled in programming and therefore trying to learn and find the right concept for my home automation system where an infludB is used for data like the current power of the freezer or dish washer etc. This data is stored into influxdB based on changes of the value. No change = No input to influxDB.
Based on these information I´m calculating the total power consumption per specified time range. e.g. 5kWh per day
Doing such queries for bigger time ranges will also mean a lot of data. Therefore I thought of a regular data reduction by calculating the integral for 1 hour and deleting all datapoints within this hour. But what should I do with the timestamp? According my understanding the timestamp is automatically set by influxdB. So in case I´ll do this data reduction once a day (at the end) each value for each hour will have the timestamp of the calculation.
What do you recommend? Isn´t there another possibility instead of doing this calculation every hour? The time needed for the calculation to the database writing will in any case be a “wrong” information.
Are there any templates/standard procedures for data aggegration/reduction?
For this example my source bucket (solar) with the raw data would have a small retention policy (maybe 1d if I’m downsampling every hour, it depends on how conservative you want to be) and the data deletes after a day. Then perform the integral downsampling and write the data to your new bucket.
Thank you very much for your work in answering with such huge amount of information.
I have to check careful to understand.
I´m using influxDB 1.8.3 at a Raspberry Pi (32-Bit OS) so not 100% sure if switching to 64-BIT OS for influxdB 2.0 is possible because of other installed packages, will check further.
Using flux is also possible in v1.8.3 which I already tried and had my first success, but are tasks also possible in v2.0? I think I have to use continuous queries for automatic downsampling, right?
Therefore I´m also limited to influxQL by this continuous queries, right?
Currently I´m also checking by manual Queries if my problems with the timestamp can be solved by using Flux. Using influxQL/continuous queries brings up the effect that for integral the first timestamp of the defined period is used/transfered with the result of the query. This is a big problem for me and do not correspond to result which is shown by an aggregation like integral or sum.
When you are calculating an integral of electric power you would like to see the total electr. enery which is used by status/timestamp of today looking in the past.
Same for water flow. You are using sum() and the total amount of water which is used in the past a represented by the result of sum() but the timestamp should be today/end of grouped by period and not the beginning.
Therefore I´m struggeling so much whith the handling of influxDB because it´s looking very obvious that this is problematic for this used cases. Or have I understood sth. wrong?
Big Thx
Hello @Pete0815,
Unfortunately I don’t think that’s possible with CQ. I think you’d have to use Kapacitor and the shiftNode ShiftNode | Kapacitor 1.5 Documentation to get the output to include the timestamp at end of the integral window.
@scott Do you know if there’s any other solution for CQ?
If you use CQ advanced sytnax and the FOR clause, you can calculate mulitple “windows” per CQ execution. The output includes a single point for each window and the timestamp should be the right time bound of the window. For example:
CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "cq_integral_downsample" ON "example-db"
SELECT mean("kWh") INTO "avg_kWh" FROM "example" GROUP BY time(1h)
Thank you very much for great support.
Tried according your solution and to be sure I verfied the results. Which seems not to be diffrent from before. Please have a look:
Created CQ On longterm:
SELECT INTEGRAL(“value”) /3600000 AS value
INTO longterm.autogen.“javascript.0.scriptEnabled.PV.WRPACges”
FROM shortterm.autogen.“javascript.0.scriptEnabled.PV.WRPACges”
GROUP BY time(10m),*
For verfication I used normal query on shorterm where I´m sure from before that the result will have a wrong timestamp for me:
SELECT integral(“value”) /3600000 AS “value”
FROM “iobroker”.“autogen”.“javascript.0.scriptEnabled.PV.WRPACges”
WHERE time > now() -2h GROUP BY time(10m)
Comparing the results by CSV Export or Chronograf direct view the timestamp seems still to be wrong because the results are equal.
@Pete0815 Those results are what I would expect from this query. You’re querying data from the last 2 hours and grouping that data into 10 minute “windows.” Each point returned represents the integral of a window and has the timestamp of the right bound of the window.
Please have a look to the attached data export (Excel file). I tried to make it more visible.
Within that export you can see the raw data from the shortterm database.
Then there is included manual integral calculation for the total electr. Energy in kWh in accordance to the time stamp and also manually calculated for 10 minutes.
(for understanding you can also open the hidden colums/rows.
In addition I copied in the data from the longterm database which is created by the continuous query with original timestamp from longterm db.
Here you can see that the value is always 1 period too early / 1 step in advance.
This is my problem with the timestamp when using an integral function. I also recognized this for other aggregate functions but let´s reduce our talk to integral() to make it easier to transfer my understanding and clarify what´s wrong or better find a solution
My guess is still, that timestamp by CQ is used from BEGINNING of aggregation window. This brings up faulty result because for integral() it can only be END of aggregation window(), right?
even after several tries by myself and also research to find a solution the “problem” still exists for me. Even if influxDB works very well in term of speed I cannot make use of it for practical usage without aggregation function incl. right time stamp handling.
Do you see a solution for this?
I´m not exprierenced in using github and maybe you can support by helping how exactly this issue is solved? I cannot understand out of the link to the influxDB documentation:
not a real solution but maybe a workaround: you could shift the timestamps with timeShift-function (flux). as long as you have fixed intervals this should work.