I have been trying to import a csv with heart rate reading from my smart band into influxdb. The file was originally in json and had many stuff i didn’t need.
After converting to csv and striping out the columns i didn’t need, i tried importing it through the CLI but kept getting lots of errors.
After reading the help pages and trying to figure out what was missing i ended up with something like this:
#constant measurement,HR
#datatype dateTime:number,long,tag
This one doesn’t give any errors and it seems to import fine but when i go to the data explorer in the GUI, there isn’t anything there.
The time i’m providing isn’t in nanoseconds and i can’t seem to find online a way to put in the headers that i want to import it as milliseconds. Is that the problem?
Also, the official help pages seem to conflict with what we can find online in forums, github, etc.
There are lot’s of information on GitHub - influxdata/influxdb2-sample-data: Sample data for InfluxDB 2.0 for example that i can’t seem to find on the official webpages.
Even so, i’ve tried adapting my columns with other names and trying other header values but i either get errors or a supposedly “empty” bucket.
Anyone can lend an hand?