Creation of API token with only read permissions for the _monitoring bucket

Running InfluxDB v2.3 OSS I’m trying to set-up an API token with only read access to the _monitoring bucket.

I’m able to do this for all buckets except the system buckets (_monitoring and _tasks).

How to resolve this without creation an API token with read access to all buckets.


Hello @John245,
I don’t seem to have a problem generating a read only token for the _monitoring bucket in InfluxDB Cloud. You’re right it looks like the OSS doesn’t support this bucket creation in 2.3.

However you can do it with the CLI or API. Here are the list of commands I used to do it with the CLI:

//to verify I'm using the right config (connected to OSS instead of cloud)
influx config ls
//to get the _monitoring bucket ID
influx bucket ls
//to create a read only token for _monitoring
influx auth create --read-bucket 833d9c68b03d73e8

I hope that helps!

what errors are you getting?