Creating and using a secret store (OS) in a single (re)start of telegraf

I have a configuration that includes something like this:

  id = "some_store"
  keyring = "telegraf"

  servers = ["mysql_user:@{some_store:mysql_password}@tcp("]

Starting telegraf with this configuration fails because the secret store doesn’t exist. I don’t see a way to create the secret store from the command line or any other way to ensure that the secret store exists when telegraf starts with this configuration.

I have a solution, but it doens’t seem like it could be the best or most straightforward way to do this. For context, I’m doing this in Ansible.

In my initial configuration, I replace the reference to the secret store with a placeholder:

  id = "some_store"
  keyring = "telegraf"

  servers = ["mysql_user:mysql_password_placeholder@tcp("]

I then (re)start telegraf, and that creates the secret store.

Next, I set the password in the secret store so that I can now use it.

Lastly, I replace the password placeholder with a reference to the password in the secret store (see ansible.builtin.lineinfile):

  path: "{{ telegraf_config_file }}"
  regexp: "^(.*)mysql_password_placeholder(.*)$"
  line: '\1@{some_store:mysql_password}\2'
  backrefs: yes
notify: restart telegraf

This all works, but it just feels a bit weird:

  • create a dummy configuration, kinda like a template
  • (re)start telegraf so it will create the secret store
  • correct the dummy configuration to be a correct configuration
  • restart telegraf

Is there a better way to do this?

Many thanks!

Hmmmm I’m not sure…Your current solution is quite creative, but I understand why it feels less than ideal since you’re effectively starting Telegraf twice to handle the secret store. @srebhan do you know?
Can you maybe use execd plugins? To first start the mysql server? That doesn’t feel much better though.
Use something like ansible to manage the secrets?

Thanks! We use AWS Secrets Manager to manage the secrets. Before migrating from inputs.exec to inputs.mysql, we tried using mysql_config_editor without luck. The telegraf secret store works well for locally caching the password from AWS Secrets Manager.

Current thinking is to move this to a separate conf file to avoid having to use the placeholder:

  id = "some_store"
  keyring = "telegraf"

We still have to (re)start twice, but it’s easier to read and follow.

Many thanks!

I may have found my answer.

I didn’t understand what --config did in telegraf secrets set. I now store the secret with

telegraf \
    --config .../secret_store.conf \
    secrets \
    store \
    some_store \
    mysql_password \
    "This is my super secret password."

Once I do that, the secrets store exists without having to (re)start telegraf the first time.


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It would be interesting to provide a secret-store plugin for AWS secret manager, wouldn’t it? If you are willing to assist in testing, please open a feature request and drop me a link or mention me there…