Copy data from one series to another


I’ve setup a home automation system which logs data into influxdb. I’ve two measuraments taken from two variables concerning the same sensor. I would like to remove the old table and migrate old data from the old table to the new. Old table ‘entity_id=node21_child04’, new one ‘entity_id=node21samsung_21_4’. I’ve following data entries in an influxdb database:

> show series;

Looking on the content, extracting some data, I get those results: Old table:

> SELECT * FROM "autogen"."C" WHERE ("entity_id" = 'node21_child04') AND time >= now() - 1d;
name: C
time                domain entity_id      friendly_name_str          icon_str                value
----                ------ ---------      -----------------          --------                -----
1547806798546962944 sensor node21_child04 Esterno Nord - Temperatura mdi:temperature-celsius 7.2
1547806918435410944 sensor node21_child04 Esterno Nord - Temperatura mdi:temperature-celsius 7.4
1547807278994774016 sensor node21_child04 Esterno Nord - Temperatura mdi:temperature-celsius 7.5
1547807398204632064 sensor node21_child04 Esterno Nord - Temperatura mdi:temperature-celsius 7.4
1547807518145522176 sensor node21_child04 Esterno Nord - Temperatura mdi:temperature-celsius 7.5```

New table:

> SELECT * FROM "autogen"."°C" WHERE ("entity_id" = 'node21samsung_21_4') AND time >= now() - 10m;
name: °C
time                V_TEMP battery_level child_id description description_str          device_str domain entity_id          friendly_name friendly_name_str  heartbeat icon_str        node_id value
----                ------ ------------- -------- ----------- ---------------          ---------- ------ ---------          ------------- -----------------  --------- --------        ------- -----
1547484922088189952 9.3    0             4        11          Temperatura NORD (DHT11) mqtt       sensor node21samsung_21_4 21214         node21Samsung 21 4 0         mdi:thermometer 21      9.3
1547485042146836992 9.4    0             4        11          Temperatura NORD (DHT11) mqtt       sensor node21samsung_21_4 21214         node21Samsung 21 4 0         mdi:thermometer 21      9.4
1547485162424854016 9      0             4        11          Temperatura NORD (DHT11) mqtt       sensor node21samsung_21_4 21214         node21Samsung 21 4 0         mdi:thermometer 21      9
1547485282887762176 8.7    0             4        11          Temperatura NORD (DHT11) mqtt       sensor node21samsung_21_4 21214         node21Samsung 21 4 0         mdi:thermometer 21      8.7

I would like to migrate the values from the old table to the new one. So then I can stop collecting data to the old table and can delete it. Data can be overwritten without issues. How to do that?

Thanks, Simon

nobody can help me a little?
The variables (keys?) that are static i nthe second table and are not present in the first, could remain the same.
In fact only time, V_TEMP and value should moved / copied to the second table. The other colums are not needed.

And sorry, the old table was wrong, ive corrected it.

If you only want to move data from one measurement to another without changing the schema, you can probably use the [INTO clause]. (Data exploration using InfluxQL | InfluxDB OSS 1.7 Documentation)

Hello @katy , good morning,
Well, what I would like to do is, detailed above, copy only “colums” time, V_TEMP, domain, icon_str and value from “autogen”.“C” to “autogen”.“°C”. Would the INTO clause do this? I’m not sure if it’s possible.
In case could you give me an example. I don’t feel so safe, I’m new to influx!
Thanks a lot!

sorry, no ideas?
I’m not making any progress :frowning:
The select into I fear is not exactly what I need. The destination table should remain untouched, only the data from source table needs to migrate, descrived like above.
Thanks, Simon

I’m not sure I understand exactly what you need. Do these datasets live in separate databases?

No, they are in the same database:

> show series

The old dataset is not more updated and due it’s referred to a sensor which is now updated on the new dataset, I would like the old dataset is moved to the new one and I can delete the old one.

