Using .cron in TICK script


Is there any more documentation regarding using .cron in a tick script?

I’m trying to run a batch script at the same time each morning but can’t get the .cron part to work. I’ve got it set to every 5 minutes at the moment and the batch doesn’t even process any data.

If i remove the cron part and use the window node with .period and .every then i get an alert. I’ve checked the documention but I can find much about it.

Cron section in documentation

It mentions a github repository, do i need to import this git hub repo in order for this to work or not?


Never mind. I just used Ubuntus crontab instead. The .cron function doesn’t seem to do anything when i use it, it just stops the batch query from processing.

Found the links in this post helpful if anyone else is struggling with the .cron function in Kapacitor.