Understanding Factors Causing Buffer Size Increases and Metric Drops in Telegraf Using inputs.internal Plugin

Hello everyone,

I am currently experiencing an issue with the buffer size and buffer limit of Telegraf. Specifically, I have noticed that when the buffer size reaches the buffer limit, metrics are being dropped.

I’m using the inputs.internal input plugin to read the metrics and I would like to understand why the buffer size is increasing in the first place. What could be causing the buffer to fill up to its limit?

My main goal is to uncover the reasons behind this buffer size increase, and identify what factors come into play. I want to ensure smooth and efficient data handling without experiencing dropped metrics.

Any insights, suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

More metrics coming in on the inputs?
Or the outputs not able to send the metrics out?

You might want to check the logs to find any possible problems…