Top X tags over time

Hi there,

I’m new to InfluxDB. I’m using it to store ntopng timeseries data.

ntopng writes a measurement called “asn:traffic” that stores how many bytes were sent and received for an ASN.

> show tag keys from "asn:traffic"
name: asn:traffic
> show field keys from "asn:traffic"
name: asn:traffic
fieldKey   fieldType
--------   ---------
bytes_rcvd float
bytes_sent float

I can run a query to see the data rate in bps for a specific ASN:

> SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean("bytes_rcvd"), 1s) * 8 FROM "asn:traffic" WHERE "asn" = '2906' AND time >= now() - 12h GROUP BY time(30s) fill(none)
name: asn:traffic
time                non_negative_derivative
----                -----------------------
1550294640000000000 30383200
1550294700000000000 35639600

However, what I would like to do is create a query that I can use to return the top N ASNs by data rate and plot that on a Grafana graph. Sort of like this example that is using ELK:

Does anyone have any ideas on how I might be able to achieve that?

Thank you!

I’ve tried a few variants from posts here and elsewhere that suggest using top(), but I haven’t been able to get what I’m after. For example, this query I think gets me closer to where I want to be, but there are no values in asn:

> select top(bps,asn,10) from (SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean(bytes_rcvd), 1s) * 8 as bps FROM "asn:traffic" WHERE time >= now() - 12h GROUP BY time(30s) fill(none))
name: asn:traffic
time                top                asn
----                ---                ---
1550299860000000000 853572800
1550301660000000000 1197327200
1550301720000000000 1666883866.6666667
1550310780000000000 674889600
1550329320000000000 20979431866.666668
1550332740000000000 707015600
1550335920000000000 2066646533.3333333
1550336820000000000 618554933.3333334
1550339280000000000 669084933.3333334
1550340300000000000 704147333.3333334

Thinking then that perhaps the sub query needs to select asn also, however that proceeds an error about mixing queries:

> select top(bps,asn,10) from (SELECT asn, non_negative_derivative(mean(bytes_rcvd), 1s) * 8 as bps FROM "asn:traffic" WHERE time >= now() - 12h GROUP BY time(30s) fill(none))
ERR: mixing aggregate and non-aggregate queries is not supported

Anyone have any thoughts on a solution?