Telegraf unable to send metrics due to high load average


We noticed that telegraf unable to send metrices during high load average.Is there any configuration to instruct to send missed data once telegraf service optimal? Or how to avoid such kind of scenario.

telegraf[1589]: 2022-12-02T19:15:00Z W! [agent] input “inputs.sysstat” did not complete within its interval
telegraf[1589]: 2022-12-02T19:16:00Z W! [agent] input “inputs.procstat” did not complete within its interval
telegraf[1589]: 2022-12-02T19:17:00Z W! [agent] input “inputs.procstat” did not complete within its interval
telegraf[1589]: 2022-12-02T19:18:00Z W! [agent] input “inputs.procstat” did not complete within its interval
telegraf[1589]: 2022-12-02T19:19:00Z W! [agent] input “inputs.procstat” did not complete within its interval
telegraf[1589]: 2022-12-03T13:22:02Z W! [agent] input “inputs.sysstat” did not complete within its interval


This message shows up when an input’s collection interval took long enough that another interval had already started. What is your collection interval set to? If it is a small value, like 1 or 2 seconds, and your system gets under heavy load, this is going to be the nature of things. In those cases, I suggest increasing the interval if possible.