Telegraf suddenly stop output data while running

My telegraf is sending data to mqtt output plugins using custom input plugins I made.
BUT it suddenly stop sending data to output plugins even though still running.
when i saw the cmd interface there is no error logs, only collecting metrics logs
how to resolve this issue? anyone help me?

If you enable debug mode, then it will periodically log how many metrics are in buffer an how many have been written to the outputs…

@wyj the big question here is where the metrics get “lost”. I’m pretty sure the issue is in the custom inputs as otherwise we probably would have noticed. Additional to what @Hipska said, you could use the printer processor to see what is coming out of your inputs…

well, i already run with debug mode and i can see telegraf consume metrics very well but not send to mqtt output plugins.
cli show me telegraf collecting data very well but when i subscribed mqtt topics it works well for few days but suddenly stopped.
but cli still show me telegraf working…

Do you see anything in the logs?