Anyway, I have two questions.
1st question/ in my telegraf.conf for connect to influxdbv2 i must put my VIP ( delivered via keepalived container).
If i want to use container name like influxdb:8086 or the ingress ip like it doesn’t work. Dunno why. BTW the ingress ip is uses in my caddyfile with success.
2nd question/ when i browse my data in influxdb telegraf show servers id instead of servers hostname.
Maybe you have a tricks for this.
Hello Anais,
Thx for your reply.
For My second question i just see that is id of telegraf container(not host server). But if i could display a « name » instead of id it will be perfect.
1st question re hostname: if you connect to the VM can you look up the hostname there? If not, then this is probably something related to your DNS settings
2nd question: telegraf will use whatever comes from hostname on a system, if it is reporting IPs then this is probably confirming that DNS in docker or between your containers is not quite setup
Maybe I expressed myself badly. When I browse in influxdb or grafana the data from telegraf,
the host display the telegraf container ID. Can I change this with explicit labels ? for better reading.
Just want to display hostname instead of telegraf container ID.
for example my hostname server is : CIBLE01.
I want to display CIBLE01 instead of the container ID
As part of the agent configuration a user can set the hostname to a value of their choosing, otherwise os.Hostname() or similar is used to determine the system or in this case, container hostname.