Telegraf requesting from multiple modbus slaves

I have been using influxdb for a while, and have decided to give telegraf a try now that it supports modbus.
I have a RS-485 serial bus with 5 modbus slaves with different slave_ids. My test setup uses nodejs/node-red and requests data with intervals of 10s to 60s, with only a few registers per modbus slave.
By stopping my test setup and switching to telegraf I have to configure the [[inputs.modbus]] 5 times in order to request from 5 different slave_ids.
To me it seems like they are running in parallel and trying to access controller = “file:///dev/ttyUSB0” at the same time, giving: [inputs.modbus] Error in plugin: serial: timeout
With collection_jitter set, there is also correct readings, but randomly ~40% timeouts

name = “Dummy1”
slave_id = 6
timeout = “1s”
controller = “file:///dev/ttyUSB0”
baud_rate = 19200
data_bits = 8
parity = “E”
stop_bits = 1
transmission_mode = “RTU”
input_registers = [
{ name = “Dummy1”, byte_order = “AB”, data_type = “UINT16”, scale=1.0, address = [4]},
name = “Dummy2”
slave_id = 7
timeout = “1s”
controller = “file:///dev/ttyUSB0”
baud_rate = 19200
data_bits = 8
parity = “E”
stop_bits = 1
transmission_mode = “RTU”
input_registers = [
{ name = “Dummy2”, byte_order = “AB”, data_type = “UINT16”, scale=1.0, address = [2]},
… a total of 5

Is there a better way of requesting from 5 slaves?
Is there a way to sequence the requests?

It looks like these registers are all from the same device, I think you would want to set it up more like:

  name = "Dummy1"
  slave_id = 6
  timeout = "1s"
  controller = "file:///dev/ttyUSB0"
  baud_rate = 19200
  data_bits = 8
  parity = "E"
  stop_bits = 1
  transmission_mode = "RTU"
  input_registers = [
  	{ name = "Dummy1", byte_order = "AB", data_type = "UINT16", scale=1.0, address = [4]},
  	{ name = "Dummy2", byte_order = "AB", data_type = "UINT16", scale=1.0, address = [2]},

Thanks @daniel
You suggestion works fine on a single modbus slave
This thread is about multiple modbus slaves. I my case 5 different slaves. Each slave with their individual slave_id.

slave_id = 6
slave_id = 7

… a total of 5 different slave_ids

I see, maybe we will need the slave_id to be part of the registers. Can you open a feature request on the Telegraf issue tracker and we can discuss further the best way to support this.

Is it possible to run multiple instances of Telegraf all of the staggered by different sampling intervals - each instance acquiring the data for a single slave and reporting. Would that work?


I have the same problem and I am running multiple instance one after another by a systemd unit and timer. See: Multiple Modbus terminal Monitoring · Issue #7523 · influxdata/telegraf · GitHub