Telegraf/Procstat Input Plugin

Dear all,
can someone please tell me if procstat_lookup > running would indicate if a process is running or not?
Many thanks

Sorry I’m a little confused the procstat_lookup is a measurement and running is a field for that measurement. Can you help me understand what you mean please? thank you.

hi there, also here thanks for your reply, @Anaisdg!

meanwhile i took the decision to utilize monit and therefore telegraf’s monit plugin. everything’s fine :)!

in my initial post, i was just trying to figure out if procstat_lookup > running would indicate if a process is running or not (“0” or “1”) before deploying to production. i’ve deployed a LXC container to test both the procstat-only approach and monit, together with its telegraf-module and decided to use the latter - even though it’s quite tricky, because there are two fields to monitor;

  • r["_measurement"] == "monit_process" > r["_field"] == "status_code" > r["host"] == "<whatever>" > r["status"] == "**running**"
  • r["_measurement"] == "monit_process" > r["_field"] == "status_code" > r["host"] == "<whatever>" > r["status"] == "**failure**"

so, to sum it up, i just wanted to know if the procstat plugin would have the capability of having one field that would tell “service is running or not”.