Telegraf log parser not show output while testing

I want to parse a Logfile and send it to the influxdb, but when I test the config it Shows no Output.




– input from telegraf internal

files = ["/var/log/jboss/kams/ti-performance.log"]

from_beginning = false

measurement = “egkonline_log”
#patterns = [’^<%{ONLINE_LOG_TIME:time}> .*time[%{NUMBER:value:int}] .tag[%{WORD:name}].'] patterns = ['^<%{ONLINE_LOG_TIME:timestamp:ts-rfc3339}> .*time\[%{NUMBER:value:int}\] .*tag\[%{WORD:name:tag}\].*’]
custom_patterns = ‘’’

Output at the CLI:
telegraf.d]# telegraf --config /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/egkonline.conf.bak --test
2019-12-09T13:50:14Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.12.3

<2019-12-09 12:12:10,897> http- <start[1575889930884] time[12] tag[UFS.GetUpdateFlags] message[TI]> <>
<2019-12-09 12:12:11,095> http- <start[1575889931082] time[12] tag[UFS.GetUpdateFlags] message[TI]> <>

I hope you have a idea why there are no Output from the Logfile

You will need to use the --test-wait 60 flag to run for a fixed length of time in seconds. For testing it may also be useful to add --debug, this will print a message on unmatched lines.

Many thanks for your answer. I can see now the Output.