[Telegraf] [Docker] How to collect metrics from a POD vs Container in a proper way with or without [[inputs.docker]]


System info:
Openshift that has Kubernetes without admin role, POD with 10 Containers.
Telegraf 1.5.2 (ubuntu) => where I’ve installed only on 1 Container inside the POD.
telegraf.conf => configured only the influxDB target and system metrics and nothing regarding [[inputs.docker]].

Based on what I’ve understand:

1. If you install the telegraf collector inside a POD on a Container, you will get the Docker Container metrics in case you have configured the [[inputs.docker]].
2. If you install the telegraf collector inside the POD on a single Container and you don’t have configured the [[inputs.docker]] inside telegraf.conf you will get the Docker POD metrics instead of Container metrics?

<< telegraf/plugins/inputs/docker at master · influxdata/telegraf · GitHub >>

Kind Regards,