I’ve checked for this functionality in the logparser input, basicstats aggregator, histogram aggregator but don’t see it. Is this currently not possible or am I missing something?
I’m ok with writing some code if this currently is not a feature but have no clue if this should go into the logparser input, an aggregator, or an processor plugin.
If you send along the raw data you could calculate this at query time, but I think you need one query per group:
select count(status_code) from http_accesslog where time > now() - 1m and status_code >= 200 and status_code < 300 group by time(10s)
select count(status_code) from http_accesslog where time > now() - 1m and status_code >= 300 and status_code < 400 group by time(10s)
The mod_statsd idea sounds like a good idea as well, and you would get the standard statsd aggregations in Telegraf and I imagine it would be much more performant.
That said, you should be able to do this with the histogram aggregator, define a bucket for 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx and select only the the status_code field.
I did, the parsing works. Problem is that the logs are all sent as a single event, there is no aggregation (counting of status codes) happening.
I am not using Influxdb here, I understand other tsdbs are probably not number one use case. But even if I would be using influxdb, how will this perform if you would have hundreds requests per minute. If they are all stored not aggregated I can imange this would create quite a load.
I’ve tried the histogram plugin, the problem here is that it accumulates lower buckets. The output is:
http_accesslog,le=200.0 status_code_bucket=2i
http_accesslog,le=300.0 status_code_bucket=3i
Notice the 3i in the second line
I basically need an histogram plugin without the accumulation. Not having to predefine the buckets would also be nice.
how will this perform if you would have hundreds requests per minute. If they are all stored not aggregated I can imange this would create quite a load.
I guess it depends on how often you need to perform the query, but with InfluxDB you could use Continuous Queries or a Kapacitor task to do this kind of aggregation and store it back into the database.
I basically need an histogram plugin without the accumulation. Not having to predefine the buckets would also be nice.
I think it could be nice if the histogram aggregator had an option to not make cumulative histograms, but I’m not sure how we could get away from needing to define the buckets.
I would like to try, but my development skills are not very advanced. I am confident using Linux, shell, bash, make commands, but never used golang. I guess I need to compile the go Code you wrote and integrate it somehow into the existing telegraf. Can you please give me hints, what steps I need to do to get this running and test ?
Just want to second @piotr1212 comment about sharing you experience and how you would use the plugin, as this helps us determine if the plugin will be generally useful enough to be included in the official Telegraf builds.
Compiling is fairly easy, install Go from your distros repo and then follow the compiling from source steps. You can skip the setup your gopath step if you like and all files will be placed in the default path ~/go.
I think this plugin valuecounter is very useful. My use case needs to parse log and count how many log entries are labeled ERROR, INFO and so on. Currently the builtin aggregator basicstats is only supported to count filed type is integer or float.