Hello, I had a problem when I tried to parse the nginx log with tail plugin. I made it work but leave a topic to ask if there is a better way.
Here is the reason I think it is the access problem(or the authority problem)
When I started telegraf on root user with “telegraf --config /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf” command, I can check the nginx log field in the influxdb. However, the field doesn’t show up when I start telegraf with “sudo systemctl start telegraf” to make it run with root authority (not as root user yet)
What I tried to make it wrok with systemctl command:
- chaned owner of nginx log with “sudo chown telegraf:telegraf” → didn’t work
- inclued telegraf into nginx group with “sudo usermod -aG nginx telegraf” → didn’t work
- changed mode of nginx log to 777 that any user can read,write or execute it → didn’t work
- opened /usr/lib/systemd/system/telegraf.service and changed user from telegraf to root → worked
I had expected it to be solve at least on #3, but it didn’t. And #4 doesn’t seem to be a proper solution. So could you tell me if there is anything I missed? The telgraf.conf is as below. I appreciate it in advance.
rack = "vc99"
category = "WEB"
metric_buffer_limit = 5000
collection_jitter = "2s"
flush_interval = "10s"
flush_jitter = "1s"
precision = "0s"
omit_hostname = false
logfile = "/var/log/telegraf/telegraf.log"
urls = ["http://{url}:8086"]
token = {token}
organization = "tnh"
bucket = "nginx log_4"
files = ["stdout"]
data_format = "influx"
files = ["/var/log/nginx/access.log"]
from_beginning = false
name_override = "nginx_access_log"
data_format = "grok"
grok_patterns = ['%{COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT}']
grok_custom_patterns = '''COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT %{HTTPDATE:timestamp} %{NUMBER:request_length} %{WORD:method} %{URIPATH:request} HTTP/%{NUMBER:http_version} %{URI:referer} %{NUMBER:status} %{NUMBER:bytes_sent} %{NUMBER:upstream_status} %{NUMBER:request_time} %{WORD:subdomain} %{IPORHOST:client} %{IPORHOST:upstream_addr}'''
grok_timezone = "Local"
tag = ["subdomain"]
float = ["request_time"]