Simple filter on tags not working in influxdb2.0

could you please help me : I cannot filter on tags
I read the documentary but it doesn’t work:


from(bucket: “test”)
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: ® => r["_measurement"] == “testmes”)
|> filter(fn: ® => r["_field"] == “dew” )

i see the tag1 wert

but with filter on tag1 ==“wert”

from(bucket: “test”)
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: ® => r["_measurement"] == “testmes”)
|> filter(fn: ® => r["_field"] == “dew” and r[“tag1”] == “wert” )
|> keep(columns: ["_time", “_value”, “_field”, “tag1”])
|> sort(columns: ["_time"], desc: false)

i get no result:

the testdata:

testmes,tag1=“wert”,tag2=“wert2” temp=2,dew=3 1585775400
testmes,tag1=“wert”,tag2=“wert3” temp=3,dew=5 1585775800
testmes,tag1=“wert”,tag2=“wert7” temp=4,dew=3 1585776200
testmes,tag1=“wert”,tag2=“wert3” temp=5,dew=7 1585776700
testmes,tag1=“wert”,tag2=“wert5” temp=6,dew=3 1585777100
testmes,tag1=“wert”,tag2=“wert6” temp=4,dew=3 1585778000

Thank you

@matthew, in line protocol, whenever you include quotes in a tag value, the quotes are considered part of the actual value. More info here.

To filter by tags as they’re currently formatted, you would have to include, but escape, the quotes in the predicate expression:

// ...
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "dew" and r["tag1"] == "\“wert\”" )
// ...

I’d suggest removing the quotes from the tag values in your line protocol.

testmes,tag1=wert,tag2=wert2 temp=2,dew=3 1585775400
testmes,tag1=wert,tag2=wert3 temp=3,dew=5 1585775800
testmes,tag1=wert,tag2=wert7 temp=4,dew=3 1585776200
testmes,tag1=wert,tag2=wert3 temp=5,dew=7 1585776700
testmes,tag1=wert,tag2=wert5 temp=6,dew=3 1585777100
testmes,tag1=wert,tag2=wert6 temp=4,dew=3 1585778000


by the way, the Syntax checker probably doesn’t know any Escapes?
and the line import produces “unequal” number of quotes - - see right side of the screenshot


@matthew That likely is an issue with the syntax checker. I know it’s still in active development, so you may consider submitting an issue to the InfluxDB repo.

It’s interesting that you’re getting extra quotes in your other tags. Is the line protocol you provided the exact line protocol you used to write the data?

i have just deleted the test bucket for testing and read the same data again: yes, the extra quotes have been created again.

the other question is :whether my strings are real ascii - they are created with a windows text editor

I’m guessing it is a Windows character encoding issue. InfluxDB 2.0 doesn’t officially support Windows yet. This is something you may consider filing another issue for.

ok … but we re not talking about textprocessing - it was an Editor…

on Linux i check:

/usr/bin/curl -XPOST “http://localhost:9999/api/v2/write?org=private&bucket=test&precision=s” --header “Authorization: Token secret==”
–data-raw "
testmes,tag1=“wert”,tag2=“wert2” temp=2,dew=3 1585775400
testmes,tag1=“wert”,tag2=“wert3” temp=3,dew=5 1585775800
testmes,tag1=“wert”,tag2=“wert7” temp=4,dew=3 1585776200
testmes,tag1=“wert”,tag2=“wert3” temp=5,dew=7 1585776700
testmes,tag1=“wert”,tag2=“wert5” temp=6,dew=3 1585777100
testmes,tag1=“wert”,tag2=“wert6” temp=4,dew=3 1585778000

here all Quotes are automatically deleted …

unfortunately I don’t have a graphic interface in Linux, so I can’t test it with the web interface …