Regex issue in FROM clause

I found a wired behaviour using the regex in FROM clause.

I have two tables:

  • Focke 11_Focke.Data.L1.M1.CurrentBuffer.LastUpdate
  • Focke 11_Focke.Data.L1.M1.CurrentBuffer.LineNo

These are two queries:

influx -execute ‘SELECt value FROM /Focke 11_Focke.Data.L1.M1.CurrentBuffer.La/’ -database xxxx | grep name


name: Focke 11_Focke.Data.L1.M1.CurrentBuffer.LastUpdate
  1. the same as of the first query but without the last character in FROM
    influx -execute ‘SELECt value FROM /Focke 11_Focke.Data.L1.M1.CurrentBuffer.L/’ -database xxxx | grep name


name: Focke 11_Focke.Data.L1.M1.CurrentBuffer.LineNo

Why the second query doesn’t return both the two?

Thanks in advance

I’m not able to reproduce your issue. This works for me:

> insert Focke\ 11_Focke.Data.L1.M1.CurrentBuffer.LineNo value=44
> insert Focke\ 11_Focke.Data.L1.M1.CurrentBuffer.LastUpdate value=42
> select * from /Focke 11_Focke.Data.L1.M1.CurrentBuffer.L/
name: Focke 11_Focke.Data.L1.M1.CurrentBuffer.LastUpdate
time                value
----                -----
1529935658151175000 42

name: Focke 11_Focke.Data.L1.M1.CurrentBuffer.LineNo
time                value
----                -----
1529935638212473100 44

Thanks for your response.
I think that my issue is the data type of the field “value”: in one measurement is Number but in the other is String. So when the regex is more permissive InfluxDB is not able to list value of different type.

It is possible?


This looks like a bug. I’ve submitted an issue on GitHub:

Thanks a lot noahcrowley